Pelcon runs a specialised laboratory for aggregate and concrete testing, covering numerous test methods. We are highly recognised within the fields of aggregate acceptance testing, concrete microstructure, air void structure and durability testing. Your specimens and samples will be treated professionally and fast.
Based on 30 years of experience comprising also in-situ condition assessment and QA/QC on construction sites, we are pleased to offer training of your staff, implement procedures and audit the production, thus improving your construction work with respect to:
- Better concrete
- Improved production quality
- Risk reduction
- Trouble shooting, if things go wrong.
The early stages
Before contractors initiate large civil engineering constructions, the technical specifications should be scrutinised to de-bug all technical hindrances and immiscibility. Pelcon is highly experienced in this exercise, improving the technical conditions for large and medium sized contractors. When combined with a risk assessment, identifying high-risk areas and specific focus points in association with potential/relevant precursors, the contractor markedly reduces his risks.
One prerequisite is selection of applicable materials, both with respect to fulfilling the requirements but also to ensure the desired fresh concrete features, which are so essential to the production teams. Aggregate improvement may prove relevant, e.g. based on crusher adjustments, as previously guided by PELCON.
Concrete composition
It has become evident that investing in a thorough tailoring of actual concrete compositions, has lead to improved concrete quality, improved production speed and to marked reduction of unpleasant production flaws such as cracks, honeycombing, poor construction joints and noncompliant surfaces.
PELCON has the needed understanding and experience from the improving of numerous concrete compositions, sometimes triggered by changes of apparent minute details. Our strategy comprises:
- A well workable concrete ensuring compaction, bonding to reinforcement and form filling
- Where possible including the application of SCC
- Robustness, ensuring that minor batching variations are not detrimental
- Selection of aggregate gradation and grain characteristics that ensures a uniform distribution within the in-situ concrete, hence reducing the risk of local shrinkage and crack problems
- Composition and content of cement paste ensuring internal bonding, no internal bleeding and segregation
- Relatively low amount of cement to reduce risk of thermo cracks and hydration shrinkage cracks
- Possible addition of pozzolans to reduce risk of cracks and increase the chemical resistance
- The incorporation of an air void system of small and evenly dispersed air bubbles having a positive influence on several of the above issues
Implementation of a QA/QC system on the site, is not meant to disturb or annoy the production sections, but is essential to prevent problems in advance; by testing and evaluating all relevant aspects of the production cycle, from stockpile build-up to the final finishing of concrete surfaces. PELCON has been successful in this.
»Laboratory installation
- Quality plans, work instructions and procedures
- Incorporation of traditional test methods for fresh and hardened concrete
- Advanced testing if relevant/required
- Training of laboratory personnel
- Audits of staff, results and actual procedures
»Stockpile surveillance
»Testing of fresh concrete
- Traditional testing: Workability, temperature, density, air content
- Essential ‘new’ fresh concrete parameters’, e.g. air void structure, dispersion and micro workability if relevant/required
»Testing of hardened concrete
- Cast cubes/cylinders
- Core analysis, e.g. with respect to obtained microstructure and durability
»In situ surveillance
- Cracks
- Grade, surface structures, aspects etc.
- Thickness, cover-layer thickness
»Training of production teams
- Interplay of vibration and inner structure
- The cracking need of early moisture protection
- Hands-on casting
- Finding your own flaws